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Top five questions posed by evolutionists answered!
Evolution’s top five arguments better support biblical creation – there is hope for college students.
by Matthew Cserhati
“What?… Teach my children unbiblical ideas?”
Simply knowing about ideas that contradict Christianity can help young people stand firm against them.
by Joel Tay
Is Genesis poetry? and Who was the father of hermeneutics?
This weekend feedback discusses the origin of the non-literal interpretation of Genesis, and who deserves the title ‘Father of Hermeneutics’.
by Lita Sanders
Robots will not take over the world
Artificial intelligence has spawned fantasies based on illusion, says an expert—machines show no sign of anything like human intelligence.
by Carl Wieland
Reading ‘origin of life’ research
What should we be aware of as we try to read the secular literature with a careful and critical eye?
by Shaun Doyle
Retroactive death!
Did God save people retroactively when Jesus died on the cross? Did God curse the world for what Adam was going to do (sin) before Adam did it, as Bill Dembski claims?
by Calvin Smith
A 'genealogical' Adam and Eve?
A new model that claims Adam and Eve can be the genealogical ancestors, but not the genetic ancestors, of all people alive today, after people evolved from apes, fails all biblical tests.
by Robert Carter and John Sanford
Dealing with doubt
There are good ways back to faith if believers sometimes experience doubt in their Christian walk.
by Lita Sanders
Tinned sardines—clue to the origin of life?
Canned sardines contain a wealth of ingredients essential for life, but life will not arise in those sardines.
by Gordon Howard
Who is wrong about the biblical date of the Flood, and the Great Pyramid? Somebody must be wrong somewhere …
John B from the UK writes into CMI questioning the article Time fears the pyramids? How they fit into the true biblical history. Gavin Cox and Gary Bates respond.
by Gavin Cox, Gary Bates
Snakes: designed to kill?
Snakes look like they were designed to kill. How does this fit with God creating everything ‘very good’?
by Philip Bell
Refusing to be muzzled
A church job offer depended on agreement not to talk about creation; what to do?
by Don Batten