This article is from
Creation 17(3):52, July 1995

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Living fossils

by Joachim Scheven

Most of the public are unaware that there are literally thousands of different types of animals and plants which are alive and essentially unchanged from the way they appear as fossils. Such facts make it difficult to believe that these forms were separated by those imagined millions of evolutionary years.

Here is another example, courtesy of Dr Joachim Scheven, who oversees the world's largest collection of living fossils in his faith-funded creation museum LEBENDIGE VORWELT at Unterm Hagen 22, D-58119 Hagen, Germany.

The fossil crinoid Anthedon [or Antedon] (a feathery-looking marine invertebrate) pictured at the bottom was found in the Upper Jurassic Solnhofen Limestone of western Germany. It is supposedly around 150 million years old. Yet the modern-day living Anthedon is virtually identical—showing no evolution has taken place.

The overwhelming message of the fossil record is one of staying the same, not evolving. Of course, many types have gone extinct, and so are not found living. These types also show no sign of real evolution throughout their 'stay' in the record. real evolution throughout their 'stay' in the record.